Thursday 26 February 2015

After a year hiatus the blog is back online.

     It has been over a year.  There are some questions that I will address in length.

     Firstly, where did I go for that time?  During the early part of 2014 and much of 2013 my wife and I were separated by a great distance.  She was in Canada looking for work, I was left in our home to keep things going while our lease ran out and she was able to gather the funds for my relocation.  I did not cope with this well at all.  For much of the time I was un-medicated.  I had it in my head that I needed to stockpile my medication for when I moved.  This led to many manic and depressive episodes as well as all the other wonderful symptoms I’ve been known to exhibit.  I started this blog in a whirlwind of excitement born from a manic episode.  I wasn’t sleeping, too busy with everything else to be bothered with any of the day-to-day things.

     After the mania wore off I sunk into a deep depression landing me in the hospital for almost two weeks.  During that time I, of course, couldn’t be bothered with the blog.  Then there was another flurry of excitement as the move to Canada was happening in just a few weeks.  With the help of my in-laws the apartment was put back into a semblance of order (from the destruction I inflicted upon it in my un-medicated state), and packed just in time.  There was a huge sigh of relief.  After that it took time to get everything unpacked, connected, and working.

     In addition to the long process of getting medicated, recovering, and stabilizing, I spent a large portion of my time getting used to the city, having never lived in a city as large as Toronto.  I toyed with the idea of getting back to writing, but just couldn’t do it so soon after a major move.  Shortly thereafter I came into limited contact with someone from my past and I felt a sudden surge of anxiety.  Though I have said that I wanted a level of transparency with this blog, I couldn’t help but feel I couldn’t continue writing because of what this person may eventually find.

     Then, time passed.  I became comfortable not writing.  I started helping out at a local office doing some volunteer work for them and it became a full-time thing.  I didn’t have time to write.  I am still doing that work and have found the time to write, thus eliminating that excuse.  As to feeling unable to write because of what a certain person may find, if I am to actually practice what it is I say I stand for I must not allow that to hold me back.

     That is the “where.”  Why am I back?

     Though I enjoy the work I do at the office, I feel there is something lacking.  My wife says something that I have when I am writing.  I feel I can be a force for good.  It is my duty as a person living with mental health issues to do what I can to educate the world.  To let the world know that we are, in fact, people.  Though I do not pretend to be anything more than a single voice, it is a voice that can, and should, be heard.

     Why now?

     Though I’ve toyed with the idea of getting back into writing, and again getting involved with mental health support and advocacy on social networks, I haven’t for the past year, as I’ve said before.  It was just a few days ago that an old and dear college friend posted a little snippet of writing that struck a particular chord with me.  I don’t usually use trigger warnings because, to be honest, when you are reading the writings of someone with mental health issues almost everything is going to be a trigger.  That being said, the following passage is very intense.

“He draws the lines he's always seen on his skin with razor blades, watching the blood well up from the wounds and draw the patterns on his body. He feels the strength leave his body through the pattern and for once he feels clean. In a final moment everything explodes attempting to force him to live in that one moment he is like a flower, truly beautiful, and then there is nothing, then he is free.”
--Felix Velazquez

     As I said, this struck me deep.  When I was in college, I cut myself.  I broke a coffee mug and used the shards to cut away everything I hated in myself.  I also drank.  A lot.  Sometimes the two even overlapped.  Reading the above passage and recognizing that in myself, I realized that I still had something to give to others.  Even if it is merely letting them know they are not alone in their thoughts and feelings.

     So what now?

     I am writing again, this much I know for sure.  I cannot promise daily updates.  Also in a slight change of practice not every entry will be the sort of tirade that it was.  There will no doubt be a more personal angle to the blog than was present before.

     All of that being said, this time I am back for the long haul.  Expect more info on the Finding a Voice in a Maelstrom page and movement.

Thank you for reading.


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